Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Stress Eating

I had an extremely stressful day yesterday and all I could think of was COOKIES! But I stuck to the game plan and at the end of the day felt better that I had. I am sure all of us at one time or another use food to get us through tough situations, cause it makes us feel better, well at least for the moment. Having a plan and a goal really helped me through this one, but mostly a teammate and friend who provided valuable support and assistance.


  1. Good work, Sharon. I think the plan will have more and more impact as we go on. Let's face it, a week is not all that challenging. Sticking with the program for 6 weeks will be.

  2. I'm liking the structure of Game On, mostly on the food and daily exercise end of things. Because while I think I'm eating good and exercising a lot, I'm finding that typically I would sneak unhealthy snacks here and there and skip a few days of exercise.

    This Game-On thing is surprising me at every turn because #1) I never expect to "go on a diet" and #2) I never expect a "diet" to actually be helpful in so many [non-food related] ways.

    Sharon, I'm glad you're finding success with this in more ways than just "get points and lose weigh." Great job supporting her, teammate.

  3. Beth, I absolutely agree with you. The structure is critical.
