Monday, January 18, 2010

1st Week Failure

Team mates- I am feeling very bad today. I didn't reach the 1% weight loss goal for the extra points. I learned a lesson about the free day - you can't drink a week's worth of wine in one night! I was just about perfect with the rest of the points and was down 3 pounds by Thursday! The alcohol really makes me retain water, so even though I drank 3 liters on the free day, I was only down by 1/2 a pound this morning. :( To top it off, I realized that I was complaining about it this morning, so there goes my 10 points for the old habit for today!
I feel like I've dragged the team down, and it's a shitty feeling. (I am so glad that I didn't give up swearing). But..... this is going to be a rockin week!


  1. The bad habit would not be worth trying to lose if it wasn't hard to give up. I'm suspicious of people who have perfect habit records. Are they challenging themselves?

    Dieting is like a long term battle. You'll get the bonus this week if you keep it up. BTW, I did not measure my weight at the start, only last night, so we're on equal footing there ;)

  2. You are definitely not dragging the team down. We all are being challenged by these "rules" and will all have good days and bad. I also lost points due to texting in my car. I agree with Bud, bad habits are hard to give up and to be honest you picked a really tough one.
    Hang in there, this week will be better. Focus on how good you feel and the additional energy you gained from the positive changes you are making.

  3. The habits [good and bad] are something that I've had to keep thinking about throughout the entire day to do or not do. And I've been surprised that I've been successful thus far, it's definitely not been easy or second nature, yet.

    I lost points yesterday because I didn't exercise because my hip has been achy again. But I did walk close to 3 miles.

  4. Beth, I would think that even walking would be counted as exercise.

  5. It wasn't walking just for exercise, it was just to get around town yesterday. Would that still count?

  6. Just so we're clear, Beth, walking is exercise, and you should count it.

  7. I think you ought to measure what you are doing and count it. So, let's say you walk from your home into town and back. That should be able to count as the exercise is just indicated as "some" exercise.

    However, I don't think you should count walking from your couch to the bathroom or other such trivial activity.

  8. Yeah, I checked with and it was 2.8 miles yesterday. So I'll count it! Thanks for the idea, Sharon.
