Saturday, February 6, 2010


I'm back into bonus land! This week was challenging. I was in court all day Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings in Lansing. I did miss two meals, but there was a salad bar in the cafeteria. If there is a salad bar, it's easy to put together the meal. I did stash baggies of sliced apples, cheese sticks and a few almonds in my purse! Today is my weigh in day for this week and not only did I lose the f&%$ing pound that showed up last week, I lost 3 more! (I'm sure that was a water pound last week.)


  1. I missed bonus this week, though I did lose weight, just not enough. The key thing to remember is that any given measurement is imperfect and subject to noise (like water weight gain). It's the trend over time that matters.

  2. Congrats Sharon. I'm sure the Kettlebell on Friday helped too. It was great to see you then.

    Bud, I'm with you in no bonus land. I've neither gained nor lost this week which got me disappointed at first, but then I realized I've felt really great this week fitness-wise. I went for a 3 mile run yesterday without stopping for a walk break. This is huge. I'll just give myself an imaginary bonus for that. :)

  3. I think we should invent the audacity bonus. It goes to those who have the audacity to claim it. Ha! That'd sure get some people excited.

  4. Great job Sharon! Way to stick with it.
